Friends and family of a young girl with an inoperable brain tumour are fundraising to help continue ground-breaking research which has improved her life.

Olivia Alderson, aged five, was just two-years-old when she was diagnosed with the “stubborn” tumour.

Since then, Olivia, from Epping, has undergone two brain surgery operations and months of chemotherapy, “losing every strand of hair on her body” in the process.

She is treated at the specialist children’s Great Ormond Street Hospital (Gosh) in London after being transferred from a local hospital.

Her mother Vicki Alderson, 32, of Severns Field, said the initial diagnosis was devastating.

“The way we were told was that she would not be here.

“I think I literally collapsed in tears.

“We were planning funerals and everything.

“At Gosh, all the doctors and nurses were sitting there with tears in their eyes and we thought there was no hope.”

Staff at Gosh quickly offered a more positive outlook after the initial shock to the family.

“All the consultants there fill us with such positivity,” said Mrs Alderson.

“When we met the oncologist consultant, the first thing he told me was ‘she won’t die’.”

After more than a year of treatment and initially positive results, the tumour began to grow again and caused Olivia serious problems.

She developed weakness in her right side and started losing sight in her left eye.

Faced with potentially damaging radiotherapy, Olivia’s family decided to try a “very new” chemotherapy treatment which has now dramatically reduced the tumour size and restored her sight.

Now, they are fundraising to help continue important research into the treatment and to support the hospital which has become “like a family” for them.

On May 15, 31 friends, family and colleagues of Mrs Alderson will take part in the RBC Race for the Kids at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford.

So far they have raised £1,300 and are now appealing for people to help them beat their target of £2,000.

To donate to the fundraiser, visit