A pensioner has raised concerns about what could be the town's worst pavement.

In recent months the already battered Sunnyside Road in Epping has been caught in a spiral of deterioration.

As large lorries come down the narrow road they ride up onto the footpath, causing cracks and crevices to deepen.

Roy Redgwell, a Sunnyside homeowner and former tube driver, is concerned the potholes are getting out of hand.

The 81 year-old said: "It has been there for years, but it is only in the last two or three months it has been like this.

"Everytime a big lorry comes down the road it gets worse.

"You can't get a pushchair down there without having to go into the road.

"Us old people have to step in the road as well.

"It is about a foot deep. The pavement down here is just ridiculous. It's dangerous."

Do you know of an Epping Forest pavement in worse shape?

Let us know by emailing milo.boyd@london.newsquest.co.uk