You might be familiar with this village green-like spot, but not recognise it because of something that is there now.

The photo, from Vestry House Museum picture archive, shows Kings Head Hill, Chingford, at a date early in the 20th century.

The road looks as though it might date from before there were any, or many, motor vehicles.

Epping Forest Guardian:

But the real clue to the date is the absence of the war memorial. Here is the same spot in 2019.

Epping Forest Guardian:

Here is a view of the Ridgeway, Chingford, from the 1930s, when the area was hardly built up at all. (Image courtesy of Vestry House Museum picture archive.)

Epping Forest Guardian:

The same view in 2019 shows many houses and flats, and the road appears to have shifted.

Epping Forest Guardian: