Following the decision by Epping Forest District Council to purchase Centric Parade in Loughton, I think some hard questions need to be publicly asked. Six come readily to mind:

1. Why were just three councillors in consultation with the leader of the council able to make this decision ?

2. Why were no other members of Epping Forest District Council, including the 14 members representing the seven Loughton wards, allowed to be part of this decision ?

3. Would it not have better given this was one of the largest, if not the largest, district council purchases since its creation in 1974 for other elected members to have had the opportunity to either endorse or vote against it?

4. What guarantee is there that this investment will deliver the promised return outlined at the cabinet meeting? Even the previous chancellor was concerned about councils engaging in this activity.

5. Surely a decision of this scale and importance (which is now irreversible) required and deserved a much wider debate and scrutiny ?

6. Where has the democracy gone at the district council?

Independent district and Loughton town councillor Stephen Murray