Coronavirus rates of infection in Epping Forest and Harlow continue to rapidly rise, driven by the Delta variant ¬– however death rates and hospitalisations seem to reflect the efficacy of vaccinations.

There were 460 newly recorded infections in Epping Forest between July 1 and July 8 – the latest available accurate data – raising the district’s rate of infection to 349.3.

The rate of infection, expressed as the number of new cases per 100,000 people, has risen sharply in recent weeks.

Just seven days prior the infection rate was 185.3 when 244 new cases were recorded in seven days.

Epping Forest’s infection rate peaked in mid-January at about 1,400.

In Harlow there were 306 newly recorded cases of Covid-19 in the seven days to July 8 equating an infection rate of 351.5 – up from 207.9 the week before.

Of the 315 local areas in England, 93 per cent have seen a week-on-week rise in rates.

Last week Dr Mike Gogarty, Essex’s director of public health, labelled the increase in cases as ‘expected’ but called for residents to not get complacent.

He said: “The rates of vaccination uptake give me confidence that most people will not get ill or need hospital, but I am worried about people, especially older people or those who may be vulnerable who have still not been vaccinated. The vaccine is really safe and very effective. If you are not vaccinated you will be at risk. I would urge anyone who is still to be vaccinated to discuss their concerns with their GP or with me.”

The rising infection rates are being driven by the highly infectious Delta variant.

Public Health England figures show 229 cases of the Delta variant – first identified in India – had been recorded in Epping Forest by July 7.

That was 76 more than the 153 cases recorded the week before.

PHE said the Delta variant currently accounts for around 99 per cent of cases that are sequenced in the UK.

But the UK Health Security Agency said the sharp increase in cases across England is not being followed by a similar increase in hospitalisation and death.

The last recorded Covid-related death in Epping Forest, according to the UK Government, was on March 24 – in Harlow the last reported death was on March 10.

Government data also shows just four people have been hospitalised for Covid-19 at the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust so far in July.

Dr Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UKHSA, said: "The data continues to show that the sharp increase in cases that we are seeing is not being followed by a similar increase in hospitalisation and death.

"This is because two doses of the available vaccines offer a high level of protection against the Delta variant.

"Getting both jabs is the best way to ensure you and the people you love remain safe, so we once again urge everyone to come forward as soon as they are eligible."