Primary school children joined pupils from an Epping secondary school to re-create their own COP26 conference- addressing the climate crisis.

A total of 17 pupils form Epping St John’s Secondary School took part in a one-day ‘COP26 conference’ at St John’s church on Tuesday, November 2.

They were joined by more than 100 primary school children from Epping Primary, St. Andrews, Epping Upland and Coopersale & Theydon Garnon who all learnt about a variety of climate related issues.


A total of 17 pupils form Epping St John’s Secondary School took part.

A total of 17 pupils form Epping St John’s Secondary School took part.


Several weeks before the event the students created a series of stations around five major topics- COP26, plastic pollution, carbon emissions, climate change and biodiversity loss (animal extinction and habitat loss).

Each station had a series of posters, a presentation by the students and an activity for the primary kids to engage with.

Stations were added where students could suggest laws for leaders at COP26 to pass and a place where they could reflect on what they could do in the future.


Stations were added where students could suggest laws for leaders at COP26.

Stations were added where students could suggest laws for leaders at COP26.

Mr Johns, who organised the event said: “All the visiting teachers were impressed with how knowledgeable and communicative our students were and I got a real sense that many of the children were leaving with new ideas for how they can contribute to protecting our planet.

“I was hugely impressed with the passion and determination of our students, who ran this almost entirely on their own.

“They were so excited and pleased to be making an impact and drawing attention to these vital topics, at this pivotal time.”

A visiting teacher said: “It was so beautifully put together with lots of interactive things for the children to do. They have lots to talk to their classes about.”