A midwife has received a national award for her hard work and service to patients and their families.

Kirstie Savege, who works at the Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust, was nominated for the Cavell Star Award for her hard work and commitment and for continuously going above and beyond for the people that she cares for.

The accolade is given by the the Cavell Nurses’ Trust to midwives, nurses, and healthcare assistants who show dedication to their role and give exceptional support to their patients, patients’ families, and colleagues.

Kirstie was presented with the prize in a surprise ceremony by Giuseppe Labriola, director of midwifery at PAHT.

Kirstie said: “I was totally shocked and also incredibly honoured to have received the Cavell Star Award. The team I work with are fantastic and I couldn’t do my role without the support of each and every one of them.”

Giuseppe said: “I am extremely proud that Kirstie has been recognised for the Cavell Star Award. Kirstie received this as she continually places women and birthing people at the centre of care.

“Kirstie develops personalised care plans to support birth choices and in addition to her matron role, has put herself on call to support. Kirstie is a compassionate leader and an absolute asset to our team.”

Sharon McNally, director of nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals at PAHT, added: “I am extremely proud of Kirstie for her dedicated, compassionate service to our patients. This is wonderful, much deserved recognition of her outstanding care.”