These are the faces of two brothers who sexually exploited seven teens in hotel rooms.

John Bancroft, 68, of Chestnut Avenue, Buckhurst Hill, used dating apps such as MyLol to make fake accounts and offer ‘sugar daddy’ arrangements with teenage girls aged between 13 and 18 from 2016 to 2017.

He specifically targeted vulnerable girls in order to manipulate them.

His brother, Graham Manicom, 62, of Hyde Mead, Waltham Abbey, joined him in meeting the victims in a hotel room for sex on two occasions.

They were sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Monday, 21 February. The extended sentence imposed on Bancroft was due to the court’s assessment that he poses a significant risk of serious harm to the public.


Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy, the Met’s lead responsible officer for exploitation, said: “Bancroft and Manicom pose a serious risk to vulnerable women and girls and I am glad they will be behind bars for a significant period of time. I am pleased the severity of Bancroft’s offending was taken into consideration when he was given an extended sentence. He is a sick and twisted man just like his brother.

“The pair caused immeasurable harm to the victims and they preyed on their vulnerabilities in a sinister and calculating manner. “I would like to commend the seven victims for coming forward and for their bravery throughout the investigation and subsequent trial."

Epping Forest Guardian:

Bancroft was jailed for 25 years and Manicom was jailed for four years.

Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy, added: "“I also commend the detectives who worked closely alongside them and were relentless in their efforts to put these dangerous and sick men behind bars. Their work was recognised with a personal acknowledgement from the judge.

“I encourage anyone who has had a similar experience to that of these victims to come forward and report it to police. We will support you and take all reports seriously.”