A PRIMARY school in Harlow has been praised following an inspection, with watchdogs highlighting staff's "purposeful" interactions with the children.

Ofsted inspectors paid a visit to St James’ Church of England Primary School in Paringdon Road back in October.

Following the visit, the school, which is part of The Diocese of Chelmsford Vine Schools Trust, was eventually graded as 'good'.

The rating was awarded after inspectors established pupils were said to feel safe at the school and seemed happy and confident to be there.

The school's ethos follows four ‘Golden Rules’, which are to be respectful, kind, safe and individual.

The inspectors picked up on the good behaviour of the pupils in lessons and around the school and said: “Staff expect the best of pupils’ behaviour.

"Pupils play happily at playtimes and lunchtimes.

"Pupils say that staff are very good at resolving any conflicts or disagreements.

"Children get off to a good start in the early years. Adults interact purposefully with the children.

"They share rhymes and stories and support the children in a wide range of activities, such as building rockets with construction toys and counting how many acorns they can use to fill an egg box.

"There is an extremely strong curriculum for personal, social and health education. Pupils are inclusive and respectful of others and their opinions.

"They know about protected characteristics and stereotypes.

"They learn how to keep themselves healthy and about healthy relationships."

The staff were also said to have high expectations of their pupils, who regularly responded positively during the inspection.

St James’ Church of England Primary School's curriculum has also been heralded for being “ambitious”, with a clear sequence of learning which builds in each year group.

However, some subjects were said to be “not fully developed”, although steps are now being taken to refine them.

In order to improve the school, lead inspector Nick Rudman said: “In Key Stage 2, some pupils do not read fluently. This hinders their access to the wider curriculum.

“The school should ensure that pupils who are behind with their reading receive the support that they need to catch up with their peers."