Harlow Council is seeking to gain accreditation from the UK’s leading charity which engages men in a bid to end violence against women.

Council officials unanimously backed the initiative to further their ongoing efforts to eradicate violence against women and girls.

The council plans to become a White Ribbon accredited organisation—a national recognition which demands commitment from senior leaders.

According to the charity, White Ribbon Accreditation means: "Organisations take a strategic approach to ending men’s violence against women by strengthening systems, engaging with men and boys, changing cultures and raising awareness."

The demonstrable criteria for becoming White Ribbon Accredited are strategic leadership, changing culture, raising awareness, and engaging with men and boys.

A spokesman for Harlow Council said: "Harlow Council take violence against women and girls seriously.

"The Council has recently adopted the women’s safety charter.

"We are J9 accredited and ensure we have staff who have completed J9 training.

"These are excellent initiatives but we can do more.

"White Ribbon work with organisations to develop a three-year action plan to demonstrate how they are working to make lasting change.

"This council therefore resolves to continue to work towards eradicating violence against women and girls and as part of that commitment will seek to become White Ribbon Accredited."