A school’s “exceptional” donations “brought pure joy and happiness” to a charity.

Schoolboys from Loyola Preparatory School, in Palmerston Road, Buckhurst Hill, dropped off 341.65kg in donations to Epping Forest Foodbank on November 24, which the foodbank compared to “more than a baby leopard seal”.

The school, for children aged three to 11, was told it gave the largest ever donation, despite only having 155 pupils.

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A letter from the foodbank said: “Firstly, a huge thank you to you all.

“Your donation is exceptional. The thought and individuality of these hampers are truly heart felt.

Epping Forest Guardian: Loyola Preparatory School students at Epping Forest FoodbankLoyola Preparatory School students at Epping Forest Foodbank (Image: Loyola Preparatory School)

“Your boys brought pure joy and happiness this morning, got stuck in with helping move the hampers, and really did bring a ray of light and joy to this dull morning."